भिडियो हेर्न को लागि तलको बिज्ञापन लाइ हटाउनुहोस्

We have a ton of insider dance tips and tricks to get you accustomed to the dance world, and to ensure you get the most from your dancing.

In no particular order, these are little snippets of advice if you are completely new to the world of dance.

They are not meant to be followed to the letter, but are just a few insights into dance classes that might help you to feel more at ease when you first start attending lessons in a dance school or studio.

Each area of advice has its own page and more detailed information - just follow the links.

We're always gathering more and if you'd like to contribute your own best tip for the learner dancer, drop us a line.

Our dance tips articles
Dance class tips ~ your intro to the dance world is here.
These general dance tips include hints on how to take care of your body, some terminology tips and a glimpse of dance etiquette that you should know.

General dance classes info ~ what goes on in dance classes anyway?
Well hopefully after watching some of the many clips of our own dance classes on this site, you'll have a better idea than most of what goes on in a good adult beginner's dance class. But there's even more info that we have to give you all collected on this one page.

Dance videos ~ good idea or poor substitute for the real thing?
Naturally we're a bit biased* on this one, but have still managed to produce a reasoned argument for both sides. Seriously, it's quite fair. Mostly.
(* Why biased? Because we think we've produced the best dance videos for beginners in the whole world. Find out if you agree ~ take one of our classes right now.)

Watching dance classes ~ should you have a peek before you sign up?
If your local dance studio only offers courses that you have to pay for in full up front, ask if they have a 'watching day' or any way that you can see a class in action before you sign up. That way, you'll get to see how the teacher teaches, and will be able to decide if their teaching style suits you before you hand over your hard earned cash. That's the theory, anyway.

Dance wear ~ what do you wear to a dance class? Is it ever a tutu?
Make sure you know exactly what you should wear to your classes. The dance studio should share info of what to wear, what shoes to bring or whether there's a dress code. There's nothing worse than turning up to class to find you've got all the wrong kit - it's even worse if the teacher won't let you in the class because you're not dressed right.

Dance teachers ~ how to tell the good from the bad from the awful.
Possibly the main key to your dancing success will be your choice of teacher. Finding someone who trust and can have great teacher / pupil rapport with is important. But is it really as simple as just joining up with the person who you like? How do you tell whether they are a great teacher or not? There are teachers out there who are strict, lazy, gifted, grumpy, unreliable, talented, qualified and more. But they all have one thing in common. They all want you to join their classes - they teach for a living, right? So how do you tell whether the person wanting to sign you up to their classes really has any talent for teaching?

Your first dance class ~ just exactly what are you letting yourself in for?
A little thought and research before you even get to your first dance lesson will ensure that you get the absolute most out of it. Sadly we see a lot of people who are just so nervous the first time they dance, that they spend their lesson thinking about their nerves and not actually concentrating on the steps being taught. This in turn makes it harder for them to pick up the steps and that then makes them feel more self-conscious and therefore more nervous. You see the problem. Going to your first dance lesson having done a little preparation can help calm those nerves and give you a head start on your class mates.

How to apply deodorant ~ this is admittedly a bit of a change of tack, but while fresh sweat is perfectly acceptable in dance class (sexy, even), old sweat is not acceptable at any speed. So here is the one trick about deodorant you never realized, and that will change the way you apply it forever.

Toenail infections ~ super easy to get rid of with this one simple dancer's tip.
No expensive drugstore potions needed, no fancy regimen. Just a store cupboard ingredient and absolute success.

Got two left feet? ~ doesn't matter how many left feet you've got, you can still dance.
So here is our gift to all those who make this claim. Bearing in mind that there are brilliant wheelchair dancers out there, the old 'two left feet' line is wearing seriously thin. So shut up and dance.

Point your foot ~ if you're going to dance, chances are you'll need to master this.
And believe it or not, you learn how to point your foot properly by sitting on the floor. Go on, give it a go.

Dance class after care ~ be nice to yourself, you've earned it.
Follow our little after care regimen to ensure that you give your muscles the love they deserve.

भिडियो हेर्न को लागि तलको बिज्ञापन लाइ हटाउनुहोस्

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